Book Review

Book Review: It All Comes Back To You.

by Beth Duke

Ronni is a nurse who works in an old people’s home/assisted living.  She loves her job and the people she cares for, but she has aspirations to be an author. She is very insecure and holds a lot of hurt in her heart. Taken away from her mother and put in care all Ronni wants is to be loved, she if finally adopted at the age of 16, but encounters heartbreak again when they both pass away.

Ronni has a favourite in the home/assisted living.  Violet who even in old age is still stunningly beautiful, they spend a lot of time with each other and form a mother daughter relationship. When Violet passes away Ronni finds out that she has been left a substantial amount of money only if she writes a book about Violets life. After leaving the lawyers office with a cheque in her hand, giving her the option to stop working and write full time.  

Ronni is taken on a journey of Violet’s life of lost loves and heartbreak, and searches for people  who new Violet to try and fill in the gaps, with the help and support of her new boyfriend.  Are the answers what she expected? You’ll just have to read it and find out for yourselves you may surprised at what she finds out.

I really enjoyed this book and fell in love with Ronni and Violet and went through all the emotional highs and lows of their lives. Each chapter focuses either on Ronni present day and Violet in 1947’s Alabama. 

There is a quote in the book that I found very thought provoking: “River says we all drink from the same stream, you know? There is not one drop of water on our planet that is new.”

Pages: 301. Publication Date: 27 August 2018. My Rating:

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