About Me

Reading and Card Making


My reading list seem to get bigger nearly every day.  I have no idea if I’ll ever get to the end of it in this lifetime. I guess I’d have a much better chance of getting to the end of my reading list if I stopped purchasing books.

Which I Have to say is pretty much impossible. I get an email everyday from BookBub and there is always at least one free book that tempts me to get it. Then when my favourite authors have any of their books on offer you can guarantee I’ll get it unless I already have it.

I have bookshelves full of traditional books and they have pride of place in my living room for all to see. I have an ever growing shelf just for my signed books too, which I’m also very proud of.

Over the last decade I have been in bad health and this still hinders me now. So when it comes to the controversy of eBooks verses traditional books. I have to say that my Kindle had made a huge change to my reading. You’ll never see me go anywhere without my Kindle. It’s like its permanently attached to my hands.

I like the Kindle because I can make the print as large as I want, where with the traditional books its a set font. However this does not stop me from purchasing traditional books. Sometimes you will find that I’ve ordered the traditional book as well as the eBook version. I will read the eBook and the traditional book will get a home on my bookshelf for all to see. That is the only downfall of the eBook to me, you can’t have it on display.

If I read lots of books within the year its a big sign for me that I have spent many many nights not sleeping due to my M.E/CFS

I am lucky that I can now read as I went for years not being able to read more than a sentence. I can’t read anything to heavy as my brain won’t take it in, so I stick to books that are quiet easy to read. So no biography’s, autobiographical or non fiction. Which is such a shame as before I became ill I used to read quite intense and heavy books, that looked more like tombs than a book.

I like to write reviews on the books I’ve been reading as I like to put out there what my opinion of the book is, whether to say how much I enjoyed it or how it didn’t appeal to me.

Card Making

I’m an avid crafter and have been crafting for over a decade. Most of the cards that I have managed to make over the years have been given away to local charities that have helped me and my family over the years.

The box room in my house was turned in to a craft room when I moved in as I’d accumulated so many crafts supplies and gadget to produce the cards, there just was no alternative.

Every so often I trying to reorganise my craft room, but to be honest it’ll always be a work in progress because I just keep purchasing more craft goodies and yes I’m also a messy crafter. When the craft room is tidy I can never find things. Luckily I know I’m not the only one as there are lots of crafter that are exactly the same.

I like to share cards that I have made and share them on Facebook, with other like minded craftaholic. Who are addicted to all things Crafters Companion a UK based company.

So between reading and writing my book reviews I hope to share the cards I make. So please keep popping by my blog to see what I’ve been up to, or just click the Follow button.

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